
Library Structure

AutoForm is a modular form generation library designed to be flexible and adaptable to different schema and UI libraries. The library is structured in layers, each providing specific functionality:

1. @autoform/core

This is the foundation of the AutoForm library. It’s agnostic to both schema and UI libraries, providing core functionality and types used by other layers.

Key features:

  • Defines core types and interfaces
  • Provides utility functions for parsing schemas and validating data
  • Implements a dependency manager for form fields

2. Schema Providers (e.g., @autoform/zod)

These packages adapt specific schema libraries to work with AutoForm. They implement the SchemaProvider interface defined in @autoform/core.

Key features:

  • Parse schema definitions into a format AutoForm can understand
  • Provide validation logic specific to the schema library
  • Handle default values and field configurations

Example with @autoform/zod:

// packages/zod/src/provider.ts
import { z } from "zod";
import { SchemaProvider, ParsedSchema } from "@autoform/core";
import { getDefaultValues } from "./default-values";
import { parseSchema } from "./schema-parser";
export class ZodProvider<T extends z.ZodObject<any, any>>
  implements SchemaProvider<z.infer<T>>
  constructor(private schema: T) {}
  parseSchema(): ParsedSchema {
    return parseSchema(this.schema);
  validateSchema(values: z.infer<T>) {
    try {
      return { success: true, data: values } as const;
    } catch (error) {
      if (error instanceof z.ZodError) {
        return { success: false, errors: error.errors } as const;
      throw error;
  getDefaultValues(): Record<string, any> {
    return getDefaultValues(this.schema);

3. @autoform/react

This package provides React-specific implementations and hooks for using AutoForm in React applications.

Key features:

  • Implements the AutoForm component
  • Provides React context for form state management
  • Defines types for React-specific props and components

4. UI-specific libraries (e.g., @autoform/mui)

These packages implement UI components for specific design systems or component libraries. They use the core functionality from @autoform/react and provide styled form elements.

Key features:

  • Implement UI-specific form components (inputs, selects, etc.)
  • Provide a themed AutoForm component
  • Define additional utility functions for the specific UI library

Example with @autoform/mui:

// packages/mui/src/AutoForm.tsx
import React from "react";
import {
  AutoForm as BaseAutoForm,
} from "@autoform/react";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material/styles";
import { AutoFormProps } from "./types";
import { Form } from "./components/Form";
import { FieldWrapper } from "./components/FieldWrapper";
import { ErrorMessage } from "./components/ErrorMessage";
import { SubmitButton } from "./components/SubmitButton";
import { StringField } from "./components/StringField";
import { NumberField } from "./components/NumberField";
import { BooleanField } from "./components/BooleanField";
import { DateField } from "./components/DateField";
import { SelectField } from "./components/SelectField";
import { ArrayField } from "./components/ArrayField";
const MuiUIComponents: AutoFormUIComponents = {
export const MuiAutoFormFieldComponents: AutoFormFieldComponents = {
  string: StringField,
  number: NumberField,
  boolean: BooleanField,
  date: DateField,
  select: SelectField,
  array: ArrayField,
export function AutoForm<T extends Record<string, any>>({
}: AutoFormProps<T>) {
  const ThemedForm = () => (
  return theme ? (
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      <ThemedForm />
  ) : (
    <ThemedForm />

How They Interact

  1. A user defines their form schema using a supported schema library (e.g., Zod).
  2. The schema is passed to the appropriate schema provider (e.g., @autoform/zod).
  3. The AutoForm component from a UI-specific library (e.g., @autoform/mui) is used in the React application.
  4. This AutoForm component wraps the core AutoForm from @autoform/react, providing UI-specific components.
  5. The core AutoForm uses the schema provider to parse the schema, generate form fields, and handle validation.
  6. UI-specific components render the form fields and handle user input.
  7. On form submission, the schema provider validates the data, and the result is passed to the onSubmit handler.

This modular structure allows AutoForm to be flexible and extensible. Users can choose their preferred schema library and UI framework, or even create custom implementations for unsupported libraries.